Attention to detail for high-impact products
At Teixeira Duarte Real Estate, Project Management is the constant pursuit of excellence and a mission that begins with the strategic design of each project and extends to the defining of its smallest detail.

Graduated in Civil Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Ricardo joined the Real Estate area of Teixeira Duarte in 2016, after having developed functions as Construction Director in Graviner.

Today he is responsible for coordinating the Project Management teams in Porto.

We develop projects with passion, energy and integrity

In the area of Project Management we continuously aim for excellence by following a mission that begins with the strategic design of each product and only terminates with the working out of its smallest detail. It means the ongoing quest to do better, to innovate, to follow each project closely and ensure that it is a defining one, thereby reinforcing the identity of the Teixeira Duarte brand, which is characterized by excellence and known for placing the client at the center of the process.

Na Teixeira Duarte Real Estate, promovemos um desenvolvimento sustentável apoiado em soluções eficientes e pensadas para cada projeto procurando, assim, contribuir para a construção de um mundo melhor.

"At Teixeira Duarte we have the ongoing responsibility to do better, to innovate, to monitor and guarantee that each project is a defining one, thereby reinforcing the identity of the Teixeira Duarte brand, which is characterized by excellence and known for placing the client at the center of the process."
- Ricardo Neves, Project Management
Humanized management of spaces

Asset & Property Management


Close customer follow-up

Comercial e Investimento


Pragmatic vision for efficient businesses

Administrativa & Financeira


Attention to detail for high-impact products

Project Management


Innovative solutions for new ways of living





Humanized management
of spaces
Close customer
Pragmatic vision
for efficient businesses
Attention to detail
for high-impact products
Innovative solutions
for new ways of living


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