Inspired by the river, created for living

A main goal in the development of the Vila Rio project was to enhance quality of life for neighborhood residents. The urban design concept emphasized daily living through the balanced integration of housing, offices, commerce, leisure and well-being.


Admire the sunrise over the horizon of the Tagus River, walk along the 4 km of trails, pedal along the 22 km bike path that winds through the neighborhood, or have a picnic with your family in the 60,000m2 of green spaces that surround the neighborhood.

A way to add value to the neighborhood

Playing a key role in promoting the neighborhood's quality of life, Vila Rio's landscaping project was planned and developed with the goals of elevating the aesthetics of the space and providing comfort for neighborhood's users.


A pedestrian district where a uniformity of color and proportion throughout, along with the careful selection of plant species, create a harmonious transition to the Parque Ribeirinho.


A large-scale project that is simple and efficient at the same time, this development enhances a space inspired by the people who will live, enjoy, walk and socialize in Vila Rio.



With the signature of architect José Manuel Costa, who has extensive experience in the real estate market and has collaborated with the Teixeira Duarte group for over 20 years.

A space dedicated to art and culture and to revitalizing the neighborhood

In the Vila Rio neighborhood, art and culture emerge as development trajectories with the aim of promoting a strong sense of identity and belonging. Passeio das Artes embodies this aim by transforming 4,800m2 into a space dedicated to popularizing both local and national culture.


"More than a traffic circle, a space for public enjoyment."



The traffic circle at the entrance to Vila Rio reflects the way Teixeira Duarte puts art at the forefront of its projects in order to create a strong sense of belonging by preserving local culture and traditions.


Created by local artist Adão Conde, Visual Artist and illustrator by profession.

A neighborhood is is made up of its culture, traditions and sense of community

The creation of the Galeria do Rio was inspired by the concept of democratizing access to art and culture and as a way to enhance the cultural and socioeconomic growth of the municipality.


It is a space not only for temporary art exhibits, but also for educational activities within the community that are carried out in partnership with local associations and entities.


Vila Rio & Eu



The Teixeira Duarte Group emphasizes the importance of fostering sustainable development within the communities where it operates, social responsibility being one of the pillars of this project.


It is with the aim of giving voice to local people and encouraging talent that this project was created, through activities and partnerships with associations, local artists and people who are passionate about seeing Póvoa grow.


"Vila Rio & Eu" aims to raise awareness and optimize the value that exists in the municipality.

The Tagus River as home

A complete setting, characterized by unparallelled rigor in the choice of materials and in the arrangement of spaces.



Apartments with terraces that provide a view over the Tagus River and rooftops that fulfil the vision of a panoramic view over one of the most beautiful and exclusive landscapes.



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