River Plaza – Prémio Nacional do Imobiliário 2024
The “River Plaza” residential project, promoted and built by the Teixeira Duarte Group, was the winner of the “North Region” category of the 2024 National
The “River Plaza” residential project, promoted and built by the Teixeira Duarte Group, was the winner of the “North Region” category of the 2024 National
Very soon, a new residential project will be launched, inserted in a place where the magnificent views over the Douro strengthen the relationship with wine
Jornal Expresso launched an article about the KORI – Living Evolution project, where it reports the disruptive and innovative way in which this project was
Welcome to Quinta de Cravel: the place where nature and urban comfort merge in perfect harmony for a lighter and more elegant lifestyle. Emerging as
The riverfront of the Tejo river provides moments that are hard to forget. In this unique location, where the river and nature merge, where we
The new Teixeira Duarte Real Estate project, to be built in Vila Nova de Gaia, is a new unavoidable residential reference in the city of
Upon arrival in Vila Rio, allow yourself to live a unique and memorable experience walking along the grandiose Alameda das Salinas. Park your car along
The development of an enterprise transcends the building of its physical structure, since a building is a mirror of the culture, identity and values inherent
It is with great enthusiasm that we see the start of work on the first two residential lots in Vila Rio. At the end of
On the verge of concluding the urbanization works of the future Vila Rio neighborhood, an urbanism project begins to take shape that contributes to the
Teixeira Duarte Real Estate sold the last unit of River Plaza, thus completing another phase of the project’s commercialization process. Inspired by the magnificent views
The Santa Marinha Design District will benefit from a direct metro connection to the center of Porto with the project for the future Rubi line.
Our first real estate project is launched in the Algarve in 1973. Over the years, Teixeira Duarte has consolidated an array of skills and services along the entire chain of real estate development, with activities today in a variety of sectors and locations.
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Email: info@tdimobiliaria.pt
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