2023, News

Fábrica 1921 – Viúva Lamego Tiles

17 de March, 2023
The development of an enterprise transcends the building of its physical structure, since a building is a mirror of the culture, identity and values ​​inherent to the environment in which it operates. The materials used therefore play a critical role in preserving the history and environmental impact of the building.
Teixeira Duarte privileges, in all its projects, the use of national and handcrafted materials, with the aim of safeguarding the cultural heritage and giving greater prestige and quality to the building, reinforcing its already consolidated standard of excellence.
The most recent undertaking Fábrica 1921 was no different. Deeply marked by its location in the heart of the historic district of Benfica, and by the magnitude of the intervention to recover the former textile factory “Simões & Companhia Lda.”, it led to the selection of noble materials that preserved the most traditional component of the building to be a priority.
Priority was given to covering the interior facades in tiles from the Portuguese brand Viúva Lamego, which is one of the most expressive materials in the project. Its forest green color contrasts with the white of the buildings that surround it, seeking to harmoniously communicate with the surrounding garden spaces and the vertical gardens that cover several nuclei of this development. With this choice, it was possible to add historical value to this construction, create a unique and more pleasant environment, and have a smaller environmental impact, by choosing nationally manufactured materials.

Sustainability and cultural preservation were thus two essential pillars in the design of the project, where every detail was thought out, seeking to maximize its impact. This is how Teixeira Duarte seeks to differentiate itself, in its attention to impactful details.




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