about us

A Global Business
Teixeira Duarte Real Estate operates in the area of real estate development and management within the Teixeira Duarte Group.

Over the past 50 years, its presence has been consolidated in various sectors and geographies, and it has developed expertize across the entire real estate chain. It implements an approach that combines creativity, technique and design, with the aim of creating value for cities and communities through positive-impact projects.

The Mission

Get it done,
working to build a better world
The mission defined by the Group is a goal shared by everyone. It is the source of energy and motivation that inspires all employees every day.

"Get it done"

…because we always strive to make things happen.


…because we must always be aware that no one does anything alone.


... where we play our part.

"a better world"

... which is the goal we all share, whether inside or outside Teixeira Duarte.


Our values define the path that leads to achieving objectives and characterize the involvement of the organization with all related parties.


Values based on Teixeira Duarte's origins: "A house of engineering" where research and mastery of the principles of science give rise to innovation and the development of knowledge and techniques that we apply efficiently and with a minimum of waste to resolve practical questions, all the while training, encouraging and trusting people of "the house".


Always reporting in a transparent and appropriate manner to the Company's spheres of action and responsibilities. The key elements consist of a rigorous assessment of the facts, presenting things as they are with accuracy and in good faith, recognizing mistakes and limitations along with successes and skills, while always communicating appropriately and with transparency to company spheres of activity and responsibility.


This implies a reliable and committed approach when rising to new challenges and taking on responsibilities, and is based on the importance of "word of honor" in fulfilling all obligations, not only to third parties but also in terms of the loyalty and team spirit shown to co-workers and the company as a whole.

worldwide presence

Embedded deep within the DNA of the group is the pledge that Teixeira Duarte Real Estate has made to internationalize its activities. The success of its operations in various geographies is complemented by local teams who contribute their global knowledge and practices.
years of real estate experience





without borders

countries of operation

With a firm presence in Portugal, Angola, Brazil and Mozambique, Teixeira Duarte assumes itself as a global organization in the area of ​​Real Estate.

Portugal is the country where Teixeira Duarte began its Real Estate operations in 1973. Today it has gained wide-ranging experience in the areas of Development and Asset & Property Management, featuring an impressive portfolio in the residential, office, hospitality, retail, logistics and mixed-used sectors.


Operating in Angola since 1996, Teixeira Duarte has built up diversified activities over the years that have become points of reference in the real estate sector. A track record that includes the building of schools, clinics, retail spaces, residential projects and business and logistics centers.

This country is represented by a strong local team that mainly focuses its activities on Asset & Property Management. 


With a presence in this country since 2007, Teixeira Duarte has been developing residential projects of high standards since this time. With a strong presence in the city of São Paulo, Teixeira Duarte has today completed more than 2,000 residential units that have been supplied to this market.


With a proven track record in the residential, hospitality and retail sectors, Teixeira Duarte currently operates in this country within the area of Asset & Property Management, administering properties that generate revenue for the Teixeira Duarte Group.


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Os dados recolhidos serão processados e armazenados informaticamente pela entidade responsável pelo tratamento, Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário Fechado TDF.

Estes dados serão tratados de forma confidencial e serão utilizados para dar resposta à sua solicitação através do formulário da área de Contactos e retidos no sistema informático do responsável pelo tratamento pelo período e para as finalidades nos termos do consentimento.

Nos termos da legislação aplicável, o titular dos dados pessoais poderá solicitar o acesso, atualização, correção, suspensão e eliminação dos dados que lhe dizem respeito, ou opor-se ao seu tratamento, bem como exercer o direito de portabilidade, pessoalmente, por carta ou por correio eletrónico para:

Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário Fechado TDF
Morada: Lagoas Park, Edifício 2, 2740-265 Porto Salvo, Oeiras, Portugal
Email: info@tdimobiliaria.pt

Caso o titular dos dados entenda que o tratamento dos dados pessoais que lhe digam respeito viola o RGPD, pode apresentar reclamação junto da Autoridade de Controlo Nacional.

Nos termos da legislação aplicável, o titular dos dados pessoais poderá solicitar a revogação dos consentimentos dados, por carta ou por correio eletrónico para o responsável pelo tratamento acima indicados. Esta revogação não tem efeitos retroativos.

Para mais informações sobre os termos de tratamento dos dados pessoais e os direitos que assistem aos seus titulares, favor consultar a nossa Política de Privacidade.