Creating strong concepts that inspire new experiences
At Teixeira Duarte Real Estate, Marketing is an essential partner along the entire value chain of real estate activity, always in coordination with the other areas.

With an Integrated Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering from the Instituto Superior Técnico, an Executive Master’s Degree in Management and a major in Strategic Marketing from the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Joana joined the Real Estate area of Teixeira Duarte in 2014.

After holding the position of project manager, today she heads the Marketing Department in the real estate area.

criar e concretizar sonhos

At the very beginning we draft a concept that is uniquely suited to the product sector, its location and our potential clients. In this phase we create an identity for the project and begin to write its story, while envisaging what we want people to experience in this space.

We create value in the areas in which we operate

Throughout the development of our projects, we act in coordination with the community to design positive initiatives, thereby creating value and contributing to the areas where we operate.

"We are always careful to develop real estate products that have a strong and consistent identity, creating value for the product and for all stakeholders as reflected in every aspect of the project."
- Joana Rodrigues, Marketing
Humanized management of spaces

Asset & Property Management


Close customer follow-up

Comercial e Investimento


Pragmatic vision for efficient businesses

Administrativa & Financeira


Attention to detail for high-impact products

Project Management


Innovative solutions for new ways of living





Humanized management
of spaces
Close customer
Pragmatic vision
for efficient businesses
Attention to detail
for high-impact products
Innovative solutions
for new ways of living


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Fundo de Investimento Imobiliário Fechado TDF
Morada: Lagoas Park, Edifício 2, 2740-265 Porto Salvo, Oeiras, Portugal

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Nos termos da legislação aplicável, o titular dos dados pessoais poderá solicitar a revogação dos consentimentos dados, por carta ou por correio eletrónico para o responsável pelo tratamento acima indicados. Esta revogação não tem efeitos retroativos.

Para mais informações sobre os termos de tratamento dos dados pessoais e os direitos que assistem aos seus titulares, favor consultar a nossa Política de Privacidade.