2023, News

Q19 – An Oasis in the City Center

26 de May, 2023

Welcome to Quinta de Cravel: the place where nature and urban comfort merge in perfect harmony for a lighter and more elegant lifestyle. Emerging as a refuge in the city center, its forest park with over 6 hectares of wide plains, trails, and viewpoints promotes an outdoor experience and a philosophy of savoring every moment. Quinta de Cravel is the place where one lives in tune with nature.

Cravel Park is the true natural sanctuary, with its nature reserve, expansive green spaces, trails, and viewpoints. It is the ideal place to connect with nature, with exclusive access for Quinta de Cravel residents. Inspired by British tradition, Cravel Club is a space dedicated to the well-being of residents. Next to the lake, the sports field is the ideal space for sports enthusiasts.

The testimonials from residents confirm this unique concept:

Hugo Pereira, Resident at Q15

For many years I was looking for a place that would offer the tranquillity that Quinta de Cravel gave me. I was born and raised in this area and already knew the Quinta. With the help of Teixeira Duarte, I closed a deal on a property that is my tree house, because it all faces the garden at treetop level, which I just love. It is a unique space.

The idea of DiCasa was a very successful one. The kids really enjoy coming here and they call us by name, creating a special and truly family-friendly atmosphere.

What I value most is the peace that I have found here, and the biggest compliment I can give is that I don’t plan to move, and if I did it would be to Q19.

José António e Inês Monteiro, Resident at Q14

I was born in Porto and always wanted to return, but when I came here I fell in love. It’s been 5 years now and I wouldn’t trade my stunning views of Porto for anything.

Here we are in Gaia, a very bustling city, but we can enjoy peace and quiet. I go for a walk on Saturday mornings and in half an hour I’m in the historical centre of Porto. As far as transport is concerned, it is only 3 minutes away from the Santo Ovídio metro station; it couldn’t be better. And we also have a supermarket here, which is an added perk.

As for the green space, it’s fantastic. It is very quiet and gives us great peace of mind. I usually go for walks in the morning and Inês makes good use of the playing field with her friends.



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